我已经零散地写了几篇关于 Boiko Costume 的文章,今天我想将它们集中在一篇文章中,以进行概述。上面的图片是来自不同地区的 Boiko 服装。
博伊科人是谁?如果你问大多数乌克兰人,他们会告诉你博伊基人生活在喀尔巴阡山脉,莱姆基山脉以东,胡苏尔山脉以西。就目前情况而言,这是真的。Boiko 是一个最初由其他人使用的术语,他们倾向于称自己为 Rusyny,或 Verkhovyntsi,[高地人]。这两个词对于博科斯来说都不是独特的。如今他们自己普遍接受了这个词,至少在与非博伊科人交谈时是这样。过去,许多人在写作时将这一术语延伸至喀尔巴阡山麓,包括德罗霍比奇(Drohobych)、斯特赖吉(Stryj)和日达奇夫(Zhydachiw)等地区。为了解决这个问题,国际博伊科联合会发布了博伊科兰(Boikoland)或博基夫什奇纳(Boikivshchyna)的官方地图。
1 图尔卡地区。
这件服装最有特色的部分是背心,由深色羊毛制成,自然色,带有白色和红色的绳子镶边。男人个子矮了 白色亚麻裙子和围裙,下摆和接缝附近有刺绣,腰带处有缩褶。
从旧图像来看,Staryj Sambir 周围的北部地区也穿着基本相同的服装。
以及目前波兰边境以西的 Michniowiec 和
2 西部博伊科

这是一个不太富裕的地区。该服装的特点是刺绣较少,褶皱也很少。妇女们穿着齐腰的短背心,要么用垂褶闭合,要么敞开穿。男人们也穿着非常简单的衣服。有时肩上有刺绣。在一些村庄,男人们还穿着 Chuhas,这是更典型的 Lemko 服装,在更西边的地方可以找到。刺绣似乎主要是红色和蓝色。
3 大别列兹尼 Березний 地区
这件服装在外喀尔巴阡州西北部发现的。它稍微超出了目前的波兰边境,包括沃洛萨特村和周边地区。Krovets 的系列中有一款适合该地区的服装,来自 Bitlia 村,该村位于 L'viw 州边境,因此这些村庄中至少有一些也是该地区的一部分。这张地上线能不完全准确。
在这个区域,女式衬衫的前开口位于侧面,并且衬衫的整个正面都是缩褶的。刺绣已转向花卉图案。这些图案出现在上袖子、衬衫正面以及亚麻裙子上。围裙通常是买来的布。chepets 是一个简单的戒指,饰有捷克丝带。穿着简单的灰色羊毛背心。男士们穿着有点模仿城市夹克的羊毛夹克。
4 沃洛维茨 Воловець 地区
This region is found in north central Zakarpattia. A closely related costume is found just over the border in southern Skole region of L'viw Oblast, centered around the village of Volosianka.
In this region, the opening of the womens' chemise is also on the side, and the front of the shirt is smocked all the way across. The smocking tubes, however do not extend down the entire front of the shirt. The embroidery has mostly remained geometric. There is no shoulder inset, and the sleeves, as in the last region are cut in one piece. The aprons, and even the skirts are often made from bought cloth. The chepets is based on a wooden ring, with sprang worked into a tube which is then folded down towards the back.
Some of the villages in the northwest wear an intermediate costume. This includes floral embroidery on the chemise, and at times a linen vest, also with floral embroidery.
Most of this region uses geometric embroidery.
Across the border, in L'viw Oblast, southern Skole district, the costume is somewhat different, especially the vest used. This includes the villages of Volosianka and Tukhol'ka. The vest seems to be made of woven wool, and is embroidered in the floral style of the northeastern Boikos
The men in this region used to wear a shirt which was smocked front and back, and had embroidery on the collar, cuffs, and epaulets.
Kul'chytska's drawing above shows the opening in front. This photo from the village of Lavochne shows men wearing this shirt with the opening in back.
5 Mizh-hiria Міжгір'я Region
This region is found in the southeast corner of Boiko Land, in the upper reaches of the Rika and Tereblia river valleys. It is centered on the town of Mizhhiria, previously called Volove. I have drawn it extending slightly into Ivano-Frankiwsk Oblast, but I have no direct confirmation of that.
The costume in this region uses the embroidered white Boiko skirt, especially in the upper parts, and the embroidered chemise style of lowland Transcarpathia, resembling those of Khust and Tereblia regions. Thus the embroidery often forms a vertical rectangle or rhombus on the sleeves, which are cut in one piece to the collar. The opening tends to be in the rear.
To the northeast of this region, in southwestern Ivano-Frankiwsk Oblast is a broad strip of territory with very few villages, about which I have no information.
6 Yasen' Ясень Region
This is a relatively small costume region, centered around the village of Yasen' and its surroundings.
The distinctive feature of this region is the long sheepskin vests with wide collars that are made of striped black and white sheepskin. There are ornamental teeth along the front opening. The shirt opening is in the front.
7 Perehins'ke Перегінське Region
This represents the northeast corner of Boiko Land, around the town of Perehins'ke, as far west as the village of Lolyn.
在佩瑞欣克镇,女性衬衫的正面通常有精美的褶皱。这是受到波库提亚 (Pokuttia) 的影响,因为纳德维尔纳 (Nadvirna) 周围地区经常这样做。当时流行制作马蹄形袖口,将其翻过来并在背面绣花。这有点让人想起蒙古风格。这种情况只在一些村庄流行,似乎是更南边的村庄。用丝带制成的装饰品经常覆盖前面的开口。羊皮背心和外套上绣有自由形式的花卉图案。
8 博列希夫 Болехів 州
9 斯科莱斯科 莱地区
10 城镇服装影响
Halychyna 镇的服装对 Boikiwshchyna 产生了影响,尤其是更北部的地区。这种涌入有两种形式。在第一个较小的例子中,我们看到了典型的博伊科服装的图像,尤其是较新的图像,但背心被戈尔塞特或镇克塞特卡(通常称为马甲)所取代。紧身胸衣是波兰或莱姆科风格的背心,长及腰部,通常有下摆。镇上的kersetka大致以乌克兰中部服装为基础,但 没有重叠,并在前面钩住,但仍然显示衬衫的前开口。通常它是用天鹅绒制成的,上面覆盖着卉缎纹刺绣,并且有形的前角。这些圆角在舞台服装中很常见,但在真正的民间服装中是不存在的。以下是各自的一些示例。
第二种变体是博伊科服装被哈利奇纳镇服装大规模取代。在这一点上,我犹豫是否其为 Boiko 服装。